Meet the Corn Hill Navigation Team-featuring Captain Robert “Moby” Burton

Captain Moby Burton holds a 100 ton Masters license with sail and towing and has 60 years of boating experience. He has captained both Sam Patch and Riverie. Of his 6 years with Corn Hill Navigation, he says he most enjoys interacting with passengers, “They tell the best stories.” With that he notes, “Of course, Corn Hill Navigation is telling its own best story of the historic treasure, the Erie Canal.“ He adds, “The canal cruise is something that everyone in Rochester should do.”
After a career in corporate management and sailing, when asked about an interesting fact that people might not know about him, Captain Moby sheepish replied, “besides my starling good looks?” (we love his sense of humor). He teaches sailing, power boating, and also delivers boats. However, we think the fact that he and his wife spent 9 years living on a sailboat in the Caribbean is pretty cool!
Captain Moby resides in Pittsford with his wife. Together, they have four children and two grandchildren. Be sure to look for Captain Moby on your next trip board Sam Patch or Riverie.