Riddle Me Rochester: Navigating Local Fun Facts- October 23rd

An autumn cruise on Riverie or Sam Patch is a great way to take in the beautiful fall foliage in
our area. Book now! Our season ends soon!
1. What type of trees have leaves that change color?
a. Deciduous
b. Conifer
c. Evergreen
d. Fruit
2. What causes leaves to change color in autumn?
a. Colder temperatures
b. Chemical changes in the soil
c. Less sunlight
d. Insect activity
3. Why do trees shed their leaves in autumn?
a. To allow branches to expand and lengthen
b. So root systems can elongate
c. To rid the tree of deadly toxins
d. So trees can conserve energy during the winter
4. What is the scientific name for the process of trees dropping their leaves?
a. Photosynthesis
b. Abscission
c. Phototropism
d. Transpiration
5. What type of tree produces the most colorful leaves?
a. Apple
b. Sugar Maple
c. Oak
d. Palm
6. What’s the best way to view Rochester’s autumn leaves?
a. A visit to the Lamberton Conservatory
b. A visit to the Rochester Museum and Science Center
c. A trip to a local mall
d. A cruise on Riverie or Sam Patch, of course!
Click here to book your ticket on Riverie or Sam Patch and enjoy exquisite views of our region’s
fall foliage!
1. a
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. b
6. d